We interrupt this Feature Friday to introduce the NEW owner The Book of Beautiful Weddings: Katelyn Lakey of Kate Rose Creative Group. We could not be more thrilled to have her on board with the magazine and are expecting big growth and even more beautiful work in 2018 and years to come.
A few words from Katelyn:
Hello Everyone!
I’m Katelyn, a creative thinker, a big dreamer and an over doer. Details are everything and nothing beats good ole’ fashion hard work. I fell head over heels in love with the creative industry about six years ago and have had a mind full of ideas ever since. I love peonies, gorgeous color palettes, soft lit photography, swoon worthy stationery, script fonts and pretty printed pages.
My greatest joy is being the wife to an amazing man, Brandon and the mother of the sweetest girl, Hallie Rose. I am a world traveler whose heart beats for orphans. I am a statement earring addict and a detailed obsessed designer. I am an ever growing entrepreneur and creative. I am a lover of fresh flowers & an avid gift giver.
I value genuine relationships and wholeheartedIy find purpose in helping others. I am excited and humbled to be a part of this talented group of creative minds. I am looking forward in serving you and your business and am here to always lend a helping hand.
Let’s Get Creative!